Art for me as for a majority of artists and designers always starts with pencil and paper, but our designing industry is a growing child, and as any child it needs to be fed and to meet its needs we must turn to DIGITAL platforms, more efficient and effective which can reduce the work load and time wasting, a must in nowadays industry. However as designers we shouldn't be neglecting the artistic side of our artwork which is the heart of the work. If we take as example a portrait painting, we can feel the emotion of the artist painting it, his sleepless nights Touching up the design, The lines and the curves of the portrait. In the other side you can get an almost identical result using a digital solution as Paintool SAI or Art Rage. Both have their positive and negative point, for my part i am more for the reconciliation between the two by enhancing our traditional artwork with a digital editing software such as photoshop.

These are some of the digital artwork that i did during my previous semesters using Photoshop.